Mental Health Law Services in Scotland

Navigating through the challenges of mental health law can be a daunting process, but you do not have to face it alone. We are dedicated to providing robust, empathetic legal support tailored to meet your unique needs. Our skilled team understands the complexities of mental health law in Scotland and is committed to acting as your trusted advocate, whether you are the patient or a family member. 

Acting For Patients

Our dedicated and compassionate team is here to advocate on your behalf, offering personalised and comprehensive legal support across a range of matters:

Appeal Against Short-Term Detention Certificate: If you are subject to a Short Term Detention Certificate, we can help appeal to the Mental Health Tribunal to have the Short Term Detention Certificate revoked.

Opposing an Application for a Compulsory Treatment Order: If you have been advised that an application for a Compulsory Treatment Order is being sought we can advise you in relation to this and attend the Mental Health Tribunal to assist you in challenging the application.

Appeal Against a Compulsory Treatment Order:  If you are already subject to a Compulsory Treatment Order we can appeal to the Mental Health Tribunal to request that this is varied or revoked.

Appeal Against a Compulsion Order or Compulsion Order and Restriction Order: If you are subject to a Compulsion Order or a Compulsion Order and Restriction Order we can appeal to the Mental Health Tribunal to request that this is varied or revoked.

Appeal Against Cross-Border Transfer If you are detained in Scotland and have been advised that you will be transferred to a hospital out-with Scotland we can appeal against the proposed transfer.

Transfer to Another Hospital within Scotland:  If you are detained in hospital and have been advised that you are to be transferred to another hospital we can assist with an appeal to the Mental Health Tribunal to challenge the transfer.

Excessive Security Appeals:  We can assist in lodging an appeal to the Mental Health Tribunal if you are being detained under conditions of excessive security.

Unlawful Detention: If you are an in-patient in hospital and believe that you are being detained unlawfully we can advise you of your rights and your rights to appeal to the Mental Health Tribunal.

Acting For Families

We understand that mental health struggles impact not only the individual but their family as well. We can provide crucial legal guidance and representation, ensuring your loved one’s rights are protected.

We are regularly instructed by Named Persons, or those seeking to be involved in Mental Health Tribunals as listed initiators.

Contact us today at for a free consultation.

Looking for Mental Health & Incapacity Law Advice?

Navigating the complexities of mental health and incapacity law can be challenging. You don’t have to do it alone. At C.T. Bollen Solicitors, we’re committed to offering speedy, professional, and empathetic advice. Book a free consultation today.

Curator Ad Litem

In certain situations, the Mental Health Tribunal may appoint a Curator ad litem to act for an individual who lacks the capacity to instruct a solicitor. This could be in cases where the individual suffers from a range of conditions, such as dementia, learning disability or where the case involves an adolescent.

Chris Bollen has extensive experience acting as a Curator ad litem, safeguarding the legal rights of those he is appointed for.  If Chris has been appointed as the Curator ad litem for your loved one or someone with whom you have a professional involvement, please get in touch.

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